A blog post every alternate day.

A Challange to maintain good blog frequency.

Starting today I am taking up a challange of writing a blog post every alternate day. I have been writing technical and programming posts under 5balloons.info from past couple of years and the blog has been growing well since then.

I write new posts on 5balloons as and when I feel like and currently there is no set routine for the post scheduling. There are few reasons for which I am considering to write more regularly and for that I have come to a conclusion that posting every alternate day i.e. (3 posts in a week) minimum should be a good approach.

The reasons why I have decided to do this and why you might consider this too are follows.


Writing More Often

I intend to write more often. As currently there is no fixed plan of publishing the post, there are no fixed interval of when I write,  and by this approach I tend to publish too less posts. Also currently I mostly write programming related posts under 5balloons, as I take up this challange I am expecting myself to write more about other topics that are not hard core programming stuff. Topics other than programming may include about startups, SEO, blogging and other personal experiences and inspirations.

Better Learning

I learn a lot through my technical blogging. I mostly blog about programming solutions and tutorials. As I am starting to post more often It should be a great learning experience. I try to simplify programming tutorials via this blog and in that process I learn a lot about how a particular language or framework works. I go an extra mile to research on how exactly a particualr thing is working under the hood so that I understand it better before writing a blog post around it.

Good for SEO

I believe as I write more often it will be eventually good for the Search Engine Optimization. The traffic of this blog seams to go up when I write new posts but it eventually comes down as the content gets old and sometimes becomes irrelevant. Thus writing quality content more often should help the SEO of the website.


I beleive these reasons are good enough to take up this challange and I hope that I can keep up to this challange. Please comment your views on this as It would be great to know the views of other bloggers who write more often and what are their strategies of writing and publishing blog posts.


Cheers !


tgugnani: Web Stuff Enthusiast.
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