Spring Thymeleaf Configuration using Bootstrap with Dialect

In this post we will configure a Spring project to use Thymeleaf along with Thymeleaf Layout Dialect (Thymeleaf Layout Dialect) We…


Classes and Objects in Java

Java language revolves around the Object Oriented Programming (OOP), the base of OOP is Classes and Objects. This post is…


Core Java Tutorial

Java Basics Java Primitive Data Types Operators in Java Control Flow : If:then and If:then:else statements Control Flow: For, while…


Java Program to check if two arrays are Equal

1. Using Custom Method First we will write the manual method to compare two Java Arrays for Equality. The logic is…


Java program to find duplicate elements in an String array.

We have created a sample String array with few String values to check for Duplicate. To Check the Duplicate we…


Java Code to fill int / double Array with random values.

To get the Random int values we utilise the java.util.Math provided under java library. Since Math.random()returns random double value between…


Java Code to Copy Array into Another Array

1. Using Custom Method   import java.util.Arrays; public class ArrayCopy { public static void main(String args[]) { String[] myStringArray =…


Java program to find second largest number in an array

public class ArraySecondHighest { public static void main(String args[]) { int[] myIntArray = { 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 89,…


Program : Remove an Element from int Array in Java

Although there are inbuilt method in the commons.lang library using which we can remove the element in array with just…


Program: Java Code to Reverse an int Array

1. Using Custom Method Following is the Java code to reverse the elements of an array by writing a self…
