If you are developing and maintaining a Laravel package and if you are looking to install the package in your Laravel application, you can do so by adding the following code in your applications’ composer.json file. …
Category: Laravel
When you’re working with database in your Laravel project, and you have a table that is already migrated. Now, if you are looking to add a new column to the database table you cannot just simple …
Here is how you add a foreign key to the migration file of Laravel Let’s say you are creating a migration file for comments table, and it a Post model has hasMany relation with the Comment …
If you have an existing table in the database and you are working with the Laravel Migration system. Here is how you can add a new migration to add timestamps field i.e. created_at and updated_at fields …
Sometimes we need to check the current URL of requests in our application. Either we need to check the complete path or a specific string of current URL. It can be done easily using following methods …
Laravel provides different way to pass data in view files. Data can be passed to view either from controller or directly from route in web file. For simpler view where not much calculation is needed on …
I finally moved a step away from WordPress and now I am using Laravel as the backend for this blog. The blog also got a new frontend design, which is based on Tailwind CSS. Why the …
I always dreaded learning about Mocking in testing assuming it would be something too complex, and I never really had the requirement of using Mocking in my Laravel tests. But now since I have a basic …
Introduction Since we are looking into the foundations of working in a team, which also includes defining a set of rules for formatting files. In the previous article, we discussed Fixing the styling and formatting of …
If you have a JSON column in your migrations, and you are looking to update the value of one of its fields. Here is how you can do it $booking->update([ 'stripePayment->paymentStatus' => 'completed', ]); For this …