Check if table exists in the database using phpunit / pest test in Larvavel

To check if a table exists in a database using Pest test in Laravel, you can use the following code:

it('checks if table exists in the database', function () {
    $tableName = 'your_table_name_here';

    $exists = Schema::hasTable($tableName);


In the above code:

  • it is a function provided by Pest that allows you to define a test case.
  • $tableName is a variable that holds the name of the table you want to check for existence.
  • Schema::hasTable($tableName) is a method provided by Laravel’s Schema Builder that returns a boolean value indicating whether the table exists in the database or not.
  • expect($exists)->toBeTrue() is an assertion provided by Pest that checks if the value of $exists is true.

Make sure to replace your_table_name_here with the actual name of the table you want to check

You can also extend the same tests to check for existence of multiple tables.

it('checks if table exists in the database', function () {
    $tableName = ['table1', 'table2', 'table3'];

    foreach($tableNames as $tableName){
        $exists = Schema::hasTable($tableName);
tgugnani: Web Stuff Enthusiast.