Clone and Run Laravel project from bitbucket

In this post we will see the details of how to clone a laravel project for bitbucket.


Step 1: Clone Repo

Login into bitbucket , you should see the list of repositories that you own or have access to. s

From these repositories, select the repo that you are looking to clone in your local system.

Click on the ‘Clone’ link and you should see a model box which gives you the command that can be executed to clone the repo.

Select ‘HTTPS‘ from drop down menu:


Copy this link from the text box and run the command in your terminal / command-line in the directory where you want to clone the project.

This command will ask for the bitbucket’s password if the repo is private.

Once the command is executed, it will create a folder with the same name as the repo name

Step 2: Create .env file

Laravel projects need an environment configuration file to run the project. This file contains all the environment properties that are applicable to the environment you are working on.

You can create this file by making a copy of .env.example file that should exist in the repo.


Step 3: Run Composer Install

To run the Laravel project that is cloned from bitbucket you first need to install all the required dependencies mentioned in your composer.json file. To do this navigate to the project directory in terminal and run following command.

composer install

That’s all about cloning a laravel project form bitbucket.

Ambika Sahni: