Create a BuzzFeed Like Quiz in jQuery Plugin

You are in the right place if you are looking for a plugin to build a buzzfeed like quiz in jQuery.

You might have came across quiz over the internet which asks you some multiple choice questions and it finally predicts some personality traits about you or which city you live in etc. Similar to this Quiz in BuzzFeed

I have extended an already available plugin named SlickQuiz to make a plugin that does the exact same job as the BuzzFeed Quiz.

Let’s first understand how these Quiz works.

Every Quiz has a set of Objective Question in which you can select any one answer. Behind the scenes every answer will be given a point value. For Example in the given question I have assigned point value to each answer as a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5 e) 4 f) 0

Thus when user selects the d) option 5 points are added into the total Count.

Each result will have a rangeStart and a rangeEnd, In the end of the Quiz total Count of the user will determine which result category he falls into.

The Quiz repo is uploaded into the GitHub Repo

You can checkout the DEMO.

That’s it, Use this plugin to create buzzfeed like quiz in jquery.

tgugnani: Web Stuff Enthusiast.