Forgot / Reset Password in Laravel

To have the functionality Forgot Password in Laravel you can use the Laravel’s out of the box authentication.

If you have a Laravel project installed , run the following command to generate the out of the box authentication scaffolding.

php artisan make:auth

To get more details on implementing the Laravel’s default authentication read -> Laravel Authentication Tutorial [Login, Logout, Register, Forgot Password & Remember Me Functionality]

Once you have implemented the default authentication, you should see a Login link on your laravel project’s home page.

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If you are a registered user, you can click on Forgot your password link to reset your password.

When you click on the link it takes you to page /password/reset, On this page you need to provide your email address with which you created the account.

Laravel forgot password request page


Provide the email address and click on button Send Password Reset Link.

This action will send an email to your registered mail account, which looks something like below.

Laravel forgot password email

Click on the button Reset Password, This will open a page where you can reset your password.

Laravel Reset Password Page.

That’s it ! Forgot password in Laravel is just available out of the box.

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