Hosting Broadleaf Commerce on Amazon AWS (Beanstalk)

This post give details on how you can host the opensource ecommerce framework Broadleaf Commerce on Amazon cloud hosting. Broadleaf is based on Spring and Hibernate.

Following are the steps to deploy the DemoSite.

Step 1: Create a Amazon AWS account and setup a new BeanStalk Instance
Please follow the steps mentioned in this Post for this Step.
Creating a new Amazon Elastic BeanStalk Instance and connecting it through SSH


Step 2: Add RDS Database to the Beanstalk instance
Next you need to add an RDS database to your beanstalk instance. Please follow the following tutorial that shows you how to do that connect to the RDS database with your SQL client
Adding RDS MySQL Instance to Beanstalk Application and connecting it remotely


Step 3: JDBC connection to RDS Database through JNDI connection pool
Since the default configuration on broadleaf commerce allows connection to JBBC through JNDI connection pool , we will do the same configuration in our EC2 Tomcat instance so that Tomcat allows JDBC Connection through JNDI. Please follow the instructions in the given post for the same.
JNDI Datasource Settings for Amazon Beanstalk with RDS


Step 4: Deploy application war on Beanstalk
Once the above steps are completed you can now deloy your customer(site.war) to the Beanstalk.
You can watch the application logs at (/var/log/tomcat7/catalina.out) for the application startup process.

If you want to access the application at the root URL of Beanstalk instead /site then you have to change the war name to ROOT.war and then upload it.

tgugnani: Web Stuff Enthusiast.