How to install Git on Ubuntu 22.04

Here is a quick guide on how to install git on ubuntu 22.04

If you don’t have git installed on your ubuntu machine you’ll get this error on running any git command from the terminal

Command 'git' not found, but can be installed with:
sudo apt install git

Here are the steps

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# Git Installation

First, use the apt package management tools to update your local package index.

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sudo apt-get update 

Next Up, Run the following command to install git

sudo apt install git

sudo apt install git

Once the installation is complete, make sure the git is working by checking the version number.

git --version

# Setting Up Git

Once you have installed git, it’s time to set up the name and email address in the Git configuration. So that everytime you commit changes into the git repository it knows the Author’s name and its email

Here is how you can use git config command to setup git

git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

That’s all about setting up git on ubuntu 20.04

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