Installing a new Laravel Zero Project

Laravel Zero

Laravel Zero is a micro-framework built out of Laravel and is used to build console-based applications.

In this post, we will go over how you can install a fresh Laravel Zero project and build command-based projects.

Step 1: Install Laravel Zero Installer.

To install a Laravel Zero project, we need to install its composer installer in our system. Let’s first do that.

Run the following command in your terminal / command-line

Livewire Component Library
composer global require "laravel-zero/installer"

composer global require "laravel-zero/installer"

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Step 2: Create a project using the installer

Once the installer is ready you can now use it to create a new laravel zero application by running the following command.

laravel-zero new movie-cli

Here movie-cli is the name of the project.

The application is ready with the following structure.

Laravel Zero Structure


Notice that the application structure is different from the normal Laravel Application.

Step 3: Test project by running default command

By default Larvael Zero includes a Command in your project with signature inspiring, If you run this command it will spit out an Inspiring Quote.

To run the command, execute following in your terminal.

php movie-cli inspiring

Where movie-cli is the project name.

That’s all about getting started with Laravel Zero

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