Installing a new Laravel Zero Project

Laravel Zero is a micro-framework built out of Laravel and is used to build console-based applications.

In this post, we will go over how you can install a fresh Laravel Zero project and build command-based projects.

Step 1: Install Laravel Zero Installer.

To install a Laravel Zero project, we need to install its composer installer in our system. Let’s first do that.

Run the following command in your terminal / command-line

composer global require "laravel-zero/installer"

Step 2: Create a project using the installer

Once the installer is ready you can now use it to create a new laravel zero application by running the following command.

laravel-zero new movie-cli

Here movie-cli is the name of the project.

The application is ready with the following structure.


Notice that the application structure is different from the normal Laravel Application.

Step 3: Test project by running default command

By default Larvael Zero includes a Command in your project with signature inspiring, If you run this command it will spit out an Inspiring Quote.

To run the command, execute following in your terminal.

php movie-cli inspiring

Where movie-cli is the project name.

That’s all about getting started with Laravel Zero

tgugnani: Web Stuff Enthusiast.