In this post, we will cover how we can submit form data to an API using Axios in VueJS. Installation If you don’t have Axios installed in your project you can get it installed using yarn …
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Although there are multiple ways once can consume a REST Api in VueJS like using javascript fetch API, vue resource, jquery’s ajax api, However a third-party library named Axios is usually the most recommended and most …
In this post, let’s cover how we can create a simple Accordion component using VueJS and Boostrap styling library. Here is the Vue Component Vue.component('toggle-component',{ template: `<div class="toggle" :class="{ active: isActive }"> <div class="toggle-title border-bottom py-3 …
In this exercise let’s build a simple component in VueJS using which we can give real-time indication to the user if his password meets all the validation requirements. Usually on the sites, you must have seen …
In this post, I will be demonstrating and going over the steps of how to create Rock. Paper. Scissor Game in VueJS. Where one player is the user and another player is the computer. Let’s understand …
A Tip Calculator is a calculator that calculates a tip based on the percentage of the total bill. Let’s build a simple Tip Calculator using VueJS Here is the HTML <h2> Tip Calculator </h2> <form> <div …
In this short tutorial, we’ll see an example of how we can populate large data into the dropdown. For this, I am taking an example of countries wherein I will populate the list of countries in …
As you work along with Vue.JS you’ll realize that there are custom components in your application which you might need to use over and over in other applications as well. Or there might be a very …
In your VueJS application, you have a form in your application whose data you are submitting to the server asynchronously with the help of Axios. But there is a problem when the request is being submitted …