To format a Carbon date to string output, you can use the format function and pass the following parameter $carbonDate->format('l jS \\of F Y h:i:s A'); //Output -> Thursday 25th of December 1975 02:15:16 PM If …
Blog Posts
I finally moved a step away from WordPress and now I am using Laravel as the backend for this blog. The blog also got a new frontend design, which is based on Tailwind CSS. Why the …
If you have used CSS frameworks, you must have used the container class, TailwindCSS does also have a container utility class but it certainly differs a bit from other frameworks. In this article, we will cover …
In TailwindCSS you can make use of flexbox to align items right in the middle of the screen by using the following properties flex : changes the div to a flex box container. justify-center : Aligns …
TailwindCSS is a popular utility-first CSS framework, which makes it easier to design your websites. In this article, I will cover how we can create custom utility classes to provide animations to the web elements. TailwindCSS …
I always dreaded learning about Mocking in testing assuming it would be something too complex, and I never really had the requirement of using Mocking in my Laravel tests. But now since I have a basic …
In this article let’s build a responsive Navbar using TailwindCSS and AlpineJS. We will use TailwindCSS for the styling and we will sprinkle the javascript behaviour of the navbar using AlpineJS. 1. Add Nav Structure to …
I have been recently working with some TailwindCSS Components, and while working on a navigation component, I ran into a problem wherein the items of flex items would not stretch to the full height of the …
Introduction Since we are looking into the foundations of working in a team, which also includes defining a set of rules for formatting files. In the previous article, we discussed Fixing the styling and formatting of …
If you have a JSON column in your migrations, and you are looking to update the value of one of its fields. Here is how you can do it $booking->update([ 'stripePayment->paymentStatus' => 'completed', ]); For this …