Parsing JSON from jQuery Ajax Request

This post shows the examples of parsing a JSON from a jQuery ajax call.

1. SimpleJSON

customer_name: "Jim"
customer_name: "Joe"

Following is the AJAX call to parse the simple JSON data from the service

        url: "",
        dataType: "jsonp",
        success: function(result, status){
            $('#result1').append("Status of the rest service is "+ status); 
"+result[index].customer_id+" -- "+result[index].customer_name);

Note : I have used dataType as jsonp since , the the service I am fetching data from is on another domain.

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2. Complex JSON

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	"employee": [{
			"firstName": "John",
			"LastName": "LaPhon",
			"phoneNumber": ["7046996952", "7897786677"]
			"firstName": "User",
			"LastName": "Test",
			"phoneNumber": ["23246952", "932423219"]

Following is the ajax call to parse above JSON request

		url : '',
		dataType : "jsonp",
		success : function(result, status){
			var employees = result.employee;
"+employees[index].firstName+" -- "+employees[index].LastName);
				var phoneNumbers = employees[index].phoneNumber;
				$.each(phoneNumbers, function(j){
				    $('#result2').append(" "+phoneNumbers[j]+" ");

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