Combining Multiple Filters on List using Computed Properties in VueJS

As a next exercise, let’s learn how we can combine multiple filters, to filters the data from a list in VueJS.

Problem: You want to filter results based on the value of Multiple filters provided by the user.

Solution :

Consider a Vue instance with the data property products, products is an array of product objects. A product object consists of three properties, name of the product, price of the product and the category that the product belongs to.

Livewire Component Library
            products: [
                { name: "Keyboard", price: 44, category: 'Accessories'},
                { name: "Mouse", price: 20, category: 'Accessories'},
                { name: "Monitor", price: 399, category: 'Accessories'},
                { name: "Dell XPS", price: 599, category: 'Laptop'},
                { name: "MacBook Pro", price: 899, category: 'Laptop'},
                { name: "Pencil Box", price: 6, category: 'Stationary'},
                { name: "Pen", price: 2, category: 'Stationary'},
                { name: "USB Cable", price: 7, category: 'Accessories'},
                { name: "Eraser", price: 2, category: 'Stationary'},
                { name: "Highlighter", price: 5, category: 'Stationary'}

We have three filters in our HTML.
1. A select box to filter results by product category.
2. A text box input to filter results by the product name.
3. A numeric range filter to filter results by the price range the product fall into.

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 <h5>List of Products</h5>

        <select v-model="category">
            <option valeu="Accessories">Accessories</option>
            <option valeu="Laptop">Laptop</option>
            <option valeu="Stationary">Stationary</option>

        <input type="text" v-model="name" placeholder="Filter By Name"/>

        <label for="vol">Price (between 0 and 1000):</label>
        <input type="range" v-model="range" min="0" max="1000" step="10"/> 
            <li v-for="product in filterProducts">Product Name : {{}} - Price : {{product.price}} ({{product.category}})</li>

combining multiple filters VueJS

And here is our Full Vue Instance.

    var app = new Vue({
        el: '#app',
        data: {
            category: '',
            name: '',
            range: '500',
            products: [
                { name: "Keyboard", price: 44, category: 'Accessories'},
                { name: "Mouse", price: 20, category: 'Accessories'},
                { name: "Monitor", price: 399, category: 'Accessories'},
                { name: "Dell XPS", price: 599, category: 'Laptop'},
                { name: "MacBook Pro", price: 899, category: 'Laptop'},
                { name: "Pencil Box", price: 6, category: 'Stationary'},
                { name: "Pen", price: 2, category: 'Stationary'},
                { name: "USB Cable", price: 7, category: 'Accessories'},
                { name: "Eraser", price: 2, category: 'Stationary'},
                { name: "Highlighter", price: 5, category: 'Stationary'}

        computed: {
            filterProducts: function(){
                return this.filterProductsByRange(this.filterProductsByName(this.filterProductsByCategory(this.products)))
        methods: {

            filterProductsByCategory: function(products){
                return products.filter(product => !product.category.indexOf(this.category))

            filterProductsByName: function(products) {
                return products.filter(product => !

            filterProductsByRange: function(products){
                return products.filter(product => (product.price > 0 && product.price < this.range) ? product : '')


We have defined three custom methods for each of the filters. And have chained these filters in the computed property named filterProducts.

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