Apple recently launched new Mac series which is powered by their own M1 Chips instead of Intel Chips. I have a 13″ MacBook pro with 8GB of RAM and 256 GB of SSD. This piece of …
Blog Posts
If you are one of the early developers who adopted M1 Mac and willing to use HomeBrew on the latest silicone chip. Here is a brief tutorial for you to Install and use HomeBrew on M1 …
If you have got a brand new Mac with Apple powered M1 Chip which currently has Mac OS Big Sur, and you are looking to install Google Chrome on it. Here are the steps for you. …
If you have some part of your code which you want to execute only if a certain environment variable exists in the .env file. Here is how you can check the existence of environment variable in …
When you are working with Laravel Dusk and running the tests on a CI like Travis or Heroku. It gets tricky to get out of the screenshots of failed tests. Here is how I configured my …
If you are working on a projects that uses Git version control and you are looking to clone a specific branch to your local system here is the solution. Clone only the specific branch and not …
If you are looking to concatenate a variable and a text together while binding an HTML attribute (for example src of image attribute) Here is how you can do it in Vue <img v-bind:src="imgPreUrl + 'img/logo.png'"> …
If you are using Laravel Dusk and getting the following issue in running your dusk tests. Facebook\WebDriver\Exception\WebDriverCurlException: Curl error thrown for http POST to /session with params: {"desiredCapabilities":{"browserName":"chrome","platform":"ANY","chromeOptions":{"w3c":false,"binary":""}}} Connection timed out after 30001 milliseconds These are …
Here is how you can get access to the Faker Instance in the Artisan tinker $faker = Faker\Factory::create(); That’ it. That’s the post. …
This is a quick article on how you can remove a composer dependency from the Laravel project. Open the terminal / command-prompt and navigate to the project root directory and execute the following command. composer remove …