If you have the URL of PDF which is situated on some other domain. You can allow it to be downloaded via your laravel application with following code $pdf = file_get_contents('http://www.africau.edu/images/default/sample.pdf'); Storage::disk('local')->put('samplepdf.pdf', $pdf); return response()->download(storage_path().'/app/samplepdf.pdf')->deleteFileAfterSend(true); Get …
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If you are looking to get the total number of records that are created / updated today in the mysql database, then the following Eloquent query will come handy. Considering we have a model named Post …
I work as a full stack web developer and have been working remotely since the last six years. If you are new to working remote and looking to organize your desk or workspace for better productivity, …
Laravel’s Storage facade makes it easier to get list of files within a directory. However if you are looking to get a list of files within the public directory, or any other directory within the public …
Often in your laravel application you are loading and fetching the results on the database which doesn’t necessarily needs to be fetched on every page reload. Query that takes longer amount to execute slows down the …
When you have an ajax response which in the array format, and you have to loop through the result and display them in the tabular format. Here is the simple code approach to loop through ajax …
There are two ways to include Select2 plugin in your laravel project, one is via including the CDN and another is via NPM i.e. node package manager. I find handling the dependencies via NPM to be …
At times in your laravel validation, you may want input field to be validated only if the user filled in the field and you may want to skip the validation if there is field is left …
Using Carbon library it is very simple to get yesterday’s and tomorrow’s timestamp in your PHP or Laravel code. You just need to import the Carbon library and call below functions Carbon::tomorrow(); //Returns tomorrow date and …
Simple post to demonstrate how you can divide your container, page or a div into two columns / parts using TailwindCSS. Make your div into grid and use grid-col-2 to divide it into two parts. <div …