Simple Loan Interest Calculator in VueJS

As a part of this exercise let’s build a simple loan EMI calculator using VueJS. Loan EMI calculator is used in multiple websites in the field of home loans, auto loans, student loans, etc.

In this exercise,, we will have a simple form with three fields, loan amount, tenor,, and Interest Rate.


Here is the code of the Loan calculator.

I have defined my component’s template using x-template.

Livewire Component Library


<script type="text/x-template" id="home-loan-calculator-template">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-lg-9 mx-auto">
                <h3>EMI Calculator</h3>
                    <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="exampleInputEmail1">Loan Amount</label>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="loanAmount" placeholder="Enter Loan Amount" v-model.number="loanAmount">
                    <div class="form-group">
                    <label for="exampleInputPassword1">Tenure</label>
                    <input type="text" class="form-control" id="tenure" placeholder="Enter Tenure in Years" v-model.number="tenureYears">
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="exampleInputPassword1">Interest Rate</label>
                        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="interestRate" placeholder="Enter Rate of Interest" v-model.number="interestRateYearly">
        <div class="row py-5 text-white">
            <div class="col-md-3 mx-auto ">
                <div class="card bg-warning my-2">
                    <div class="card-header">
                    Monthly EMI
                    <div class="card-body">
            <div class="col-md-3 mx-auto">
                <div class="card bg-info my-2">
                    <div class="card-header">
                    Total Payment
                    <div class="card-body">
            <div class="col-md-3 mx-auto">
                <div class="card bg-secondary my-2">
                    <div class="card-header">
                    Total Interest
                    <div class="card-body">

Vue Component

Below is the home-loan-calculator component code.

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Vue.component('home-loan-calculator', {
        template : '#home-loan-calculator-template',
                loanAmount : 200000,
                tenureYears: 10,
                interestRateYearly: 8.5,

                return this.tenureYears * 12;

                return this.interestRateYearly / 100 / 12;

                var x = Math.pow(1 + this.interestRate, this.tenureMonths);
                var emiMonthly =  (this.loanAmount * x * this.interestRate) / (x-1);
                return Number(emiMonthly);

                return Number(this.emi * this.tenureMonths);

                return Number(this.totalPayment - this.loanAmount);


We have bound the data properties of Vue to the input fields and using computed properties to calculate different parameters of EMI & Interest.

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